About the lab

The Institute for Mind and Brain at UofSC

The Early Social Development Lab at UofSC, directed by Dr. Jessica Bradshaw, is a clinical research lab focused on the development of infant attention, motor, and social skills.

We study early identification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the first year of life, which paves the way for earlier interventions and improved outcomes for individuals and families affected by ASD.

More broadly, our goal is to serve as a resource for South Carolina families by supporting the needs of our local autism and infant community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make scientific discoveries about infant development and autism spectrum disorder to improve the lives of neurodiverse children and their families. We accomplish this mission by connecting with our community and providing a positive, fulfilling research experience for families while conducting rigorous research on infant behavior.



We’re a growing team of expert clinical researchers and psychologists trained in studying and evaluating infant behavior. Our lab staff are award-winning professionals with backgrounds in the sciences, and we’re always learning. As a lab within the University of South Carolina and an affiliate of the Carolina Autism and Neurodevelopment (CAN) Research Center, we’re connected to a larger network of psychologists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, and medical researchers in the academic community.


Our lab is a leader in research on autism and infant development. Our researchers are top scientists in their fields and are discovering new ways of identifying autism in infancy.


Our work would not happen without community partnership and connections to families with and without autism. We offer participants monetary incentives for joining in our studies. We value working with community groups to increase awareness of our studies.


We’re committed to performing novel research. We use state of the art technology and methods to lead breakthrough studies on infant development and study the signs of developmental delays in ways no one else does.

Our Team


Read about the ESD Lab in the news, from Forbes Magazine to our local television station.

Join the lab

Are you a UofSC student interested in research? Submit our application form.


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